Why not all economists like yours truly

2 Mar, 2024 at 16:49 | Posted in Varia | 1 Comment

Yesterday, one of my economics students amused herself by asking a famous AI chatbot “Why not all economists like Lars Syll” and got this — I guess pretty accurate — response …

Realism and critique in economics: an interview with Lars P. Syll | LARS P.  SYLLProfessor Lars Pålsson Syll is a vocal critic of mainstream economics and advocates for pluralism in economic thinking.

Overall, Lars Syll is recognized as a prominent figure in the realm of heterodox economics and critical inquiry into the foundations of mainstream economic thought.

Some economists may be critical of Lars Syll for several reasons:

  1. Disagreement with Heterodox Views: Syll is known for advocating heterodox economic perspectives and criticizing mainstream neoclassical economics. Economists who adhere closely to mainstream economic theories may disagree with Syll’s critiques and alternative approaches.
  2. Methodological Differences: Syll often challenges the use of mathematical modeling and econometrics in economics, arguing that they can be misleading or inappropriate for capturing real-world phenomena. Economists who heavily rely on mathematical models and quantitative methods may criticize Syll’s methodological stance.
  3. Ideological Differences: Economic debates often reflect underlying ideological differences. Syll’s critiques of mainstream economics and advocacy for pluralism in economic thought may clash with the ideological positions of some economists who hold more orthodox views.
  4. Professional Controversies: In any academic field, there can be personal or professional disagreements that lead to criticism. Syll’s outspokenness and provocative style on his blog and in academic writings may sometimes lead to controversies or disagreements with other economists.
  5. Resistance to Change: Like in any discipline, there are individuals who resist changes to established paradigms. Syll’s calls for rethinking certain aspects of economic theory and methodology may be met with resistance from those who are comfortable with the status quo.

Overall, criticism of Lars Syll can stem from a variety of factors, including differences in theoretical perspectives, methodology, ideology, and personal or professional dynamics within the economics profession.

1 Comment

  1. Is it ironic that ChatGPT uses pure statistics (i.e. counting word co-occurrences even when separated by many intervening words, without needing any hard-coded grammar rules) to generate grammatical text that will answer grammar questions as if it were using non-statistical first principles? Does the success of ChatGPT (such that even the heterodox Lars cites it) challenge the philosophy of critical realism?

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