I Have A Dream

26 Aug, 2023 at 17:33 | Posted in Politics & Society | 3 Comments


These days mark the 60th anniversary of Martin Luther King delivering his famous speech I Have A Dream at the March on Washington, which stands as one of the most iconic moments of the American civil rights movement. The speech is still relevant today because it visualizes a dream the society has not achieved yet.

Martin Luther King’s influence on civil rights and social justice is indelible. His dedication to nonviolent protest, his advocacy for equality, and his commitment to justice have left an enduring mark on history.


  1. Lars, thank you for reminding. It is important.

    • I was listening to the speech when my father came in. He recognized it immediately having been there for it at 18 years old. Got a great story of family history about how my Grandfather had driven him and about 8 others from New York to Washington for the march in their old station wagon.

      When they got to Washington some yahoos in a pickup truck cut them off intentionally up onto a curb and caused the gas tank to break. They pushed the car to a service station and walked the rest of the way. When they came back afterwards the workers at the garage refused any payment for the repairs they had done.

      My father said it was remarkable how the crowd of hundreds of thousands swayed with the cadence of King’s speech. That is aside from the obvious truths about justice that Martin Luther King pointed out until someone killed him for it.

  2. Social justice is a really big subject which requires some really big attention. It is not getting it, and we will have to continue our lives in an unfair world of speculation in the natural resources. This is what we all should be equally sharing, namely in the opportunities that these resources provide. One way to achieve this would be by Henry George’s proposal for a single tax on land values. There are related similar methods too that unlike George’s proposal will not offend the landlords and yet eliminate the poverty that comes from this past unethical speculation.

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