Keynes’ General Theory

2 May, 2020 at 16:00 | Posted in Economics | 1 Comment

s-l300A couple of years ago — when visiting one of Helsinki’s many nice cafés and restaurants — yours truly read the following inscription on a mirror and thought Keynes must have been here …

syllhelsinkiAnyhow — slides from yours truly’s keynote presentation at the Kalevi Sorsa Foundation celebration of the 80th anniversary of Keynes’ General Theory is available here.

1 Comment

  1. I think economists feel that financial risk should model real-world risk. But in a pandemic, why pile financial uncertainty on top of physical uncertainty? Why not pay everyone an inflation-protected $3000 per month and let those who want to, work?
    My impression is that Keynes was a controlling lord who believed he knew what was best for me. I disagree. Do I have the right to live outside his model? Or must my voice be suppressed, to validate his model that everyone wants to make money?

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