Mobile detox

13 Oct, 2018 at 17:10 | Posted in Varia | Comments Off on Mobile detox

Eton College is the latest in a series of schools to crack down on mobile phone use among their pupils. Last year, the £39,000-a-year Brighton College started forcing students to hand in their mobile phones at the beginning of each day in an effort to wean them off their “addiction” to technology.

An Overview Of Eton CollegeStudents in year seven, eight and nine are now required to hand in their mobile phones at the beginning of the day to teachers who will lock it away, ready for collection when they are about the go home.

Students in year ten are allowed their phones, but must subscribe to three “detox” days a week where they hand it in, with year elevens having one “detox” day.

At Wimbledon High School, a fee-paying day school in south-west London, all children and parents are given a copy of the schools’ digital rules, one of which is “put your phone away at meals and leave your phone downstairs at bedtime – try and be screen free at least an hour before bed”.

The Telegraph

In my days it used to be sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll. And now we have to protect our kids from the dangers of mobile phone addiction …

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