The non-existence of economic laws

26 Apr, 2024 at 10:39 | Posted in Economics | 2 Comments

In mainstream economics, there’s — still — a lot of talk about ‘economic laws.’ The crux of these laws — and regularities — that allegedly exist in economics, is that they only hold ceteris paribus. That fundamentally means that these laws/regularities only hold when the right conditions are at hand to give rise to them. Unfortunately, from an empirical point of view, those conditions are only at hand in artificially closed nomological models purposely designed to give rise to the kind of regular associations that economists want to explain. But, really, since these laws/regularities do not exist outside these ‘socio-economic machines,’ what’s the point in constructing thought experimental models showing these non-existent laws/regularities? When the almost endless list of narrow and specific assumptions necessary to allow the ‘rigorous’ deductions are known to be at odds with reality, what good do these models do?

Deducing laws in theoretical models is of no avail if you cannot show that the models — and the assumptions they build on — are realistic representations of what goes on in real life.

Conclusion? Instead of restricting our methodological endeavours to building ever more rigorous and precise deducible models, we ought to spend much more time improving our methods for choosing models!

Formalistic deductive “Glasperlenspiel” can be very impressive and seductive. But in science, it ought to be considered of little or no value to simply make claims about the model and lose sight of reality.

Error in Economics - Julian Reiss - Innbundet (9780415391412) » BokkildenThere is a difference between having evidence for some hypothesis and having evidence for the hypothesis relevant for a given purpose. The difference is important because scientific methods tend to be good at addressing hypotheses of a certain kind and not others: scientific methods come with particular applications built into them … The advantage of mathematical modelling is that its method of deriving a result is that of mathemtical proof: the conclusion is guaranteed to hold given the assumptions. However, the evidence generated in this way is valid only in abstract model worlds while we would like to evaluate hypotheses about what happens in economies in the real world … The upshot is that valid evidence does not seem to be enough. What we also need is to evaluate the relevance of the evidence in the context of a given purpose.


  1. The advantage of mathematical modelling is that its method of deriving a result is that of mathemtical proof: the conclusion is guaranteed to hold given the assumptions.

    Didn’t Gödel show that assuming non-contradiction leads to incompleteness, thus how can you guarantee any mathematical result, when you start by assuming A can not also be not-A?

  2. I disagree. There are laws in economics. Not like natural laws but laws made by humans. I think the Swedish Beveridge curve is a good example. First the curve shows a “market law” that is created by the circumstances during the welfare capitalism. Then comes a new law created by the state during the great restoration. And after that a new market-created law. bev.png (500×243) (
    A study of economic law would have to incorporate decisions within both the state and the private capital in ceteris paribus. But as the actors on the market competes, with each others and changes the rules, the stable values are short and log in between.
    The long time (“natural”) laws of the human economy would have to be found on higher level I think. In the interaction between human metabolism and the rest of nature. Becoming evident in the climate crisis.
    Within humanity and during capitalistic class society the only law is the class struggle. And “Silent enim leges inter arma”.

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